Sunday, July 19, 2009

How to read the Old Testament: The Gospel from Joshua 7

How to read the Old Testament 3
The Gospel in Joshua 7

1. All Scripture Predicts (prophecies, Messianic Psalms, etc.) Christ’s person and/or work.
2. All Scripture Prepares for (dead ends and bridges) Christ’s person and work.
3. All Scripture Reflects Christ’s person and work.
4. All Scripture Results from (boldness, access, justification) Christ’s person and work.

Joshua 7

1. There is rebellion against the Lord’s single command 7:1
Joshua 6:18
a. This is an issue of religious purification
b. All of Israel is counted guilty although one man performed the action

2. God’s anger burns toward all of the people 7:2
a. All of the people come under God’s condemnation because of Achan’s
1. For religious offenses the entire community is held guilty

3. Israel becomes incapable of carrying out God’s mission 7:3-5
a. They are flawed on the inside because of rebellion
b. Their actions and efforts at Ai only fail
c. The people begin to fear because something is not right

4. God’s reputation is at stake as the salvation of Israel 7:6-9
a. Israel’s (God’s by their fallen nature) enemies stand in a position to dominate
and enslave them
b. Yahweh’s reputation as their sovereign stands to be marred

5. God’s verdict is that they are devoted to destruction and he will be with them no more 7:10-12 (12)

6. God’s sentence is that the guilty must die 7:13-15
a. Rebellion against God is not allowed in the people

7. God uncovers the guilty party for everyone to see 7:16-21

8. Achan’s entire lot of family and possessions are burned and stoned
a. Because of Achan’s coveting of the items devoted to destruction because of
the religious implications of being a perversion of God, he is guilty.
b. Achan’s guilt is not confined to himself alone but to everyone who is
his immediate family
c. Even Achan’s possessions are marred by his rebellion and cannot function

9. With the purging of rebellion God turns from his anger

10. God removes their fear and blesses them with his presence and the continuation of the
mission 8:1

The Gospel from Joshua 7

1. Adam and Eve rebelled against God’s single command

2. God’s righteous anger burned toward Adam and Eve

3. Adam and Eve become incapable of carrying out God’s mission to care for the earth and multiply and fill the earth in righteousness

4. Adam and Eve’s rebellion has stained God’s reputation by believing Satan rather than God

5. God’s sentence is death for creation and warfare between God and his creatures and between creature and creature

6. The consequences of Adam’s rebellion is that everyone born to him becomes guilty of his rebellion and falls under the condemnation of God and is instantly at war with God from birth on

7. But God has concern for his reputation. So he sends the eternal Son of God to take on the guilt resulting from everyone’s rebellion who will repent and follow after the Son of God.

8. The Son of God, Jesus, takes my guilt and becomes sin and is killed by God the Father in my place.

9. If I repent and place my trust in Jesus by coming after him God turns from his anger toward me and adopts me as his son and gives me his name.

10. God removes fear, takes up residence in me by his Holy Spirit, and sends me on his mission to know him and make this story known among the nations, his mission.

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