Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How do we read the Old Testament 2: One story, one book, one conclusion

The ONE story of the Bible
The point of the story is God’s glory from the nations - Isaiah 43:7
1 comprehensive theme interwoven throughout: The story of God bringing himself glory from the nations
Introduction Genesis 1-11(approximately 70 distinct peoples in Genesis 11)
• Creation and the Fall
Body of the Story begins in Genesis 12-Revelation
• Redemption
• Two parts to the Abrahamic Covenant
o Blessings (I will bless you)
o Responsibilities (You will be a blessing; bless families of the earth; families = peoples)
o Revelation; Matthew 24
Redemption: The Abrahamic Covenant/Great Commission and Its Two Parts
Genesis 12:2-3
Two parts to the Abrahamic Covenant
• Blessings (I will bless you)
Responsibilities (You will be a blessing; bless families of the earth; families = peoples)
Did Jesus understand the Abrahamic Covenant as a summary of the Scriptures?
Luke 24:44-49 In understanding the Scriptures Jesus gave two points
Verse 45-47 Two central themes
• Blessed: Jesus’ work on the cross in salvation
• Bless the nations: Proclaim Jesus work to the nations
Matthew 22:34-40 (Luke 10:25-37) Greatest Commandment is two (love God / love man)
• Love God with all your strength
• Love your neighbor as yourself
How are the 10 Commandments organized?
Exodus 20:1-17
• 1-4 Relationship with God
• 5-10 Relationship with Man
Does God really care about all nations?
490 times “all nations” appear in the Scripture
• 15 times “all nations” appears in the New Testament
• 475 are in the Old Testament
With the Abrahamic Covenant in mind Jesus issues the Great Commission/Church Planting
Matthew 28:18-20
4 action verbs
• Go
• Make Disciples (one word): main action verb
• Baptize = Identify with Jesus
• Teach = Obey Christ’s command
o This is the planting of the church
o Go to every distinct people group and start churches
Conclusion of the story
Revelation 5:9
God completes Genesis 12:2-3 in Revelation 5:9
• God blesses us
• God calls us to bless the nations
One story, one book, one conclusion
Matthew 24:14
• Gospel will be preached to all nations and then the end will come
• God will reach all the nations in keeping his promise to Abraham
o The nations will be blessed with the gospel
o Then the end will come
One story, one book, one conclusion
Points of Application:
We must read the entirety of the bible with this story in mind
• The bible is not a book of magical prayers and incantations
• The bible is THE manual on global evangelization
o If you want to know how to do the work “it’s in the manual”
• Seek to be transformed in thinking
We must engage the nations to be a church
• We must make disciples locally to go global
o New Christians must have the mission ingrained immediately
• We must be local and global simultaneously
o Acts 1:8 is “and” not “then”
We must view and use our resources as resources for the nations not for ourselves
• Budget with the mission in mind
• Buy with the mission in mind

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