Sunday, October 18, 2009

Great Commission TRCC Style

1. Make disciples of all nations
A. Make disciples
1. Individuals who come after Jesus
a. Repent
b. Believe the Gospel (faith)
1. Mark 1:15 “...repent and believe the Gospel.”
2. Just one of the reasons I’m not an advocate of child
3. Jesus said to not prevent the children from coming
to him. That’s right. Don’t either by preventing them
if they understand and desire to come or preventing
them by allowing them to pursue bad doctrine and
B. All nations (panta ta ethne)
1. People groups, ethno linguistically unique people groupings. Not
geographical political countries.
2. This is the church’s mission and this is missions.
a. 16,360 people groups
b. 6,641 UPG
c. 6.7 billion people in the world
d. 2.74 billion people in UPG
e. 41 % of the world’s population are unreached. That is,
there is no church and no Christians there. That defines
our task!
3. Misson’s is not maximizing the number of people who believe in
an area. That is the church’s task in evangelism and missional living.
4. The church’s task is seeing disciples made and the church birthed
to begin the work of evangelism and missional living.
5. Romans 15:17-21
a. Paul says the ministry of the Gospel of Christ was fulfilled
from Jerusalem to Albania! How is that?
b. It is because the Gospel had been preached, disciples made
the church functioning and now it was time to move on to
continue missions, and the church would then do evangelism
and become missional in it’s function to maximize the number
of disciples and to begin it’s own engagment of the unreached.

Strategy (transitive verbs)(participles = verbal / adjectives).

With participles, as we have here, it is not uncommon to assign the force of the main verb, “make disciples”, to the participles, which serve as transitive verbs (in the world of English).
However, the participles have clear meaning in definition of the strategy employed in carrying out the command.

1. Go
A. Often exegeted “as you are going”. This misses the contextual part of
translation and exegesis.
1. This gives the feel that as one goes about their daily routine if
they are preaching the Gospel they are doing Great Commission
work. Not true.
B. Literally: “going”
C. Going Strategy: Make disciples = Repent / Believe the Gospel
1. Learn where the Gospel has not been preached
“Find where hell is breaking loose and go”
a. We cannot avoid the hard places. We are mandated to go
to them.
b. This demands repentance from unbiblical values:
1. Safety
2. Independence
3. Internal ministry first or dominant
4. Exceptionally high pastoral salary

2. Begin praying about where to engage (which UPG)
1. Assess the skills of the congregation and determine what you can do in the region
3. Look for help from trusted sources engaged in that part of the
world (missions agencies, etc.)
4. Make the first trip
1. Take church members that are not Elders
2. Ask for workers to be sent
3. Look for people of peace and work with them
4. Heal – do good works that are needed
5. Teach the Gospel of the Kingdom
(see Luke 10:1-12; Matthew 9:37-10:24; Mark 6:7-13; )
5. Engage by the “front door” (be honest about who we are and
what we will and will not do)
6. Preach the Gospel
1. Baptize
2. Get the scriptures in their language
3. Allow them to take the scriptures and form the church in
their context with the Holy Spirit using the Scriptures as the

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