Sunday, September 13, 2009

Q & A Apologetics Introduction

Q & A Apologetics
1 Peter 3:15; Colossians 4:5-6

“Apologetics, the teaching of defense (apology) or defensive scholarship, is the thoughtful interaction of Christian faith with contemporary teachings and ideologies that are opposed to the gospel.”

1. Apologetics should be birthed from doctrinal stability, humble submission to Christ Jesus and the text of Scripture v. 15a

2. Apologetics presuppose the engagement of unreached peoples 1 Peter 3:6-13; Colossians 4:5

“The picture is as far as we can imagine from that of the Christian who has no interest in affairs outside those of faith or church and so no “small talk,” no ability to maintain an interesting conversation. In contrast, it envisages opportunities for lively interchanges with non-Christians on topics and in a style which could be expected to find a positive resonance with the conversation partners. It would not be conversation that has “gone bad,” but conversation that reflects the attractiveness of character displayed above all by Christ. Moreover, such advice envisages a group of Christians in a sufficiently positive relation with the surrounding community for such conversations to be natural, a group not fearful or threatened, but open to and in positive relationship with its neighbors.”

3. Apologetics presupposes that there are “outsiders” thus claiming we know truth and they do not Colossians 4:5a

4. Apologetics requires preparation to answer EACH objection and/or equal truth claim v. 15b; Colossians 4:6
a. Apologetics gained and applied is work and requires applying the faculty of
analytical thinking to the doctrines of the faith and understanding the why
and how.

5. Apologetics must be done with gentleness, respect and a gracious attitude v. 15c; Colossians 4:6
a. Apologetics can lend itself to pride in the puffing up of human intellect
because it takes work. And when one works hard enough and achieves some
level of understanding it appeals to pride and that leads to becoming
a Pharisee that can defend the faith rather than a Pharisee that can’t.

6. Apologetics wisely appropriates time to speak the Gospel indigenously Colossians 4:5
a. The suggestion of this text is that one must be among the outsider but must
allow ample time for the Gospel not just interaction

7. Apologetics must be interesting, stimulating and wise Colossians 4:6
a. The use of the metaphor salt echoes Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5:13. When
applied to conversation, the metaphor suggests speaking in a way that is
interesting, stimulating and wise.

1. Make sure we are thoroughly Christian!
a. Make sure all of your life’s ends and means are birthed out of the person of
God revealed as Father, Son, Holy Spirit
Illustration: Poston wedding: Brad going to get Rachel and bringing her to the front.
Illustration: Community: Unity: Distinction (not segregation by race or demographic): Peace

2. Make sure you are engaged with (friends with regardless of their response to the Gospel) people who do not believe Jesus to be the only God and the only way man can be saved
a. Engagement with “outsiders” must be intentional because of our nature to
stay among our own kind.

3. Observe the ends (ultimates or goals) of the culture and world around you and be able to articulate them
a. Be able to critique the ends of your world in comparison to the stated ends
of Scripture
Illustration: Ownership: Leviticus 25:8 – 50 years Jubilee land returns to original owner at a price equal to, lower than or greater than based on number of crops: Psalm 24 – the earth is the Lord’s: Luke 16 & 19 – master entrusts his possessions to managers for a season and returns to take account

4. Observe the means (methods of getting to the ends or goals) of the culture and world around you and be able to articulate them
a. Be able to critique the ends of your world in comparison to the stated ends
of Scripture
Illustration: Ownership: Debt (massive) – as a means to getting what we want to own feeding our lust for ownership of property that is not ours unveiling man’s fallen desire to have what is God’s and be as God and be owner not manager

5. Always keep an eye on your own heart’s object of affection to make sure it is Jesus and not apologetics
a. Apologetics can be as ugly as anything else when it becomes an end and
not a means to the end of Jesus exalted, Father glorified and Holy Spirit
7. Make sure you are engaging and interesting as a friend not an evangelistic gunslinger
a. Community as the missing piece of evangelism

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