Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spiritual Conflict 4 Maintaining Balance in our Spiritual Conflict

Maintaining Balance in our Spiritual Conflict
The World / The Flesh / The Devil

Ephesians 2:1-3 (See the connection also in James 3:15; 1 John 2:15-17; 3:7-10)

What is the world and how does the world influence me?
World = “the unhealthy social environment in which we live. This includes the ungodly aspects of culture, peer pressure, values, traditions…customs, philosophies, and attitudes. The world represents the prevailing worldview assumptions of the day that stand contrary to the biblical understanding of reality and biblical values.” Clinton Arnold

According to 1 John 2:15-17 the world consists of:
Desires of the flesh
Desires of the eyes
Pride in possessions

These are from the world, and according to 1 John 5:19 the world lies in the power of the evil one.

What is the flesh and how does it influence me?
Romans 7:5, 14, 18, 25; 8:3-9, 12, 13; 13:14

James 1:12-15
Persons are tempted when they are lured and enticed by their own desire stemming from their fleshly inclination.

Flesh = “the inner propensity or inclination to do evil; the part of our creatureliness tainted by the fall that remains with us until the day we die. It is our continuing connection to this present evil age which is destined to perish…” Clinton Arnold

Insights about the world / flesh / devil (use PowerPoint drawing of circles)
1. These three influencers do not work separately, but in concert
2. These three influencers, although one may have a greater influence at certain times,
exert force against us in our battle
3. Be aware of the tendency to focus on one and diminish the others. Keep these in balance.
(use pp on number 3)

Implications on life and ministry:
1. We must understand that we face multiple opponents in the battle to keep the faith and follow after Christ
James 3:13-15 (earthly = world) (unspiritual = flesh) (demonic = devil)
Meekness = prauteti = gentleness, humility

He has told them if they need wisdom to ask God who gives generously to all w/o finding fault.

They have had trouble taming the tongue and the same mouth is blessing and hurting.

James says let a person display his works in the “prauteti” of wisdom.

The wisdom that is brash, arrogant and loud is:
Earthly / Unspiritual / Demonic

A. We have to identify and combat lies that are theological in nature
- ABC Nightline 3/26/09 “Is Satan real?”
B. We have to watch out for cultural lies
- Materialism (I need more; Madam Blueberry = happiness waits at the stuff mart)
- Saving with the goal of having enough to stop working (Jesus said this was foolish)
C. We have to watch out for our flesh’s tendencies and cravings
- What is your craving or tendency? (fill in the blank)
2. We view life and ministry in a wholistic fashion
A. Solid discipleship to combat the world influence and our sinful nature’s assault on truth
1. We try and provide preaching & teaching to educate, inform and equip
2. We have connect groups to learn, fellowship, grow and do ministry from
Be Radical
Be Together (1 John 1:1-7)
Be Christ-Like (Matthew 5-7)
Be Obedient (Ezekiel 36)
Be a Doer and Not a Hearer Only (James 1:22-25)

3. Use a Bible reading plan to saturate your mind with truth
4. We need a theological foundation to stand on
- Listen to the series on systematic theology on the website
5. We must be intimately anchored to a local, bible believing, bible teaching church
B. Solid biblical perspective on spiritual conflict to combat the enemy

3. Following Jesus is a life long fight, not a one time fix
- Romans 7
- Beware of believing the good and easy days are here to stay
- Good and easy days are often followed by dark and lonely days
- Beware of believing that repenting of a sin is the last time you will be tempted to do that
- A good repentance session is usually followed my the most intense temptation
- Beware of believing that the hard days are all that there are and good and victorious
days will never come
- You will have good days. They are often hard fought victories, but they do come.
- Beware of believing the lie that you have arrived and are dead right in everything and
that you are the one that needs to tell all the truth to all the sinners
- Be humble
- Enjoy the fact that when God’s people worship the enemy must flee

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