Sunday, May 31, 2009

Spiritual Conflict 9 Salvation

Spiritual Conflict 9

1. The enemy is not into being holy, so he may seek to deter us from holiness
Ephesians 5:1 “Be imitators of God”
- The attack is thwarted if we:
- Love each other
- Treat women / men in a holy fashion and do not lust
- Hold marriage in honor
- Groom our reputation such that “yes” is “yes” and “no” is “no”
- Do not need to retaliate because we believe God is our justifier
- Love our enemies and pray for our persecutors
- The attack is successful if we imitate our fallen culture’s ethic
- Back bite and speak evil of each other
- Lust is the order of the day
- Marriage is a tool to my happiness
- We have to swear to get people to believe us
- Retaliation is the dominant thought when we are wronged

2. The enemy is not into repentance, so he may seek to make us resistant to putting to death the deeds of our fallen bodies
Romans 8:12, 13 “…but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.”
- The attack is successful if we believe we can continue in sin and it’s acceptable
- 1 John 3:1-10
- Matthew 5:29-30
- We must deal severely with sin
- If we do not put to death the deeds of the body, we evidence we are not
children of God
- How does the enemy sell Jesus without repentance?
- Cheap grace
- Salvation without repentance
- Belief in a God that does not discipline his children

3. The enemy is not into the application of God’s wisdom gained in salvation as a means of repentance, but the foolish living of the one who acts as if there is no God
Proverbs 6:27-28
Illustration: Guys and Girls and boundaries
- The attack is successful if we believe we can imitate unregenerate activity without
incurring temptation
- The attack is successful if we believe we can imitate unregenerate activity without
the appearance of evil
- 1 Thessalonians 5:22
The attack is thwarted when we:
- Treat each other as holy and belonging to the Lord
- Refuse to touch what is not mine
- Make strong and fast boundaries we refuse to cross
- When we do pursue (men), we do so to marry not to test drive

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