Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spiritual Conflict 4 Maintaining Balance in our Spiritual Conflict

Maintaining Balance in our Spiritual Conflict
The World / The Flesh / The Devil

Ephesians 2:1-3 (See the connection also in James 3:15; 1 John 2:15-17; 3:7-10)

What is the world and how does the world influence me?
World = “the unhealthy social environment in which we live. This includes the ungodly aspects of culture, peer pressure, values, traditions…customs, philosophies, and attitudes. The world represents the prevailing worldview assumptions of the day that stand contrary to the biblical understanding of reality and biblical values.” Clinton Arnold

According to 1 John 2:15-17 the world consists of:
Desires of the flesh
Desires of the eyes
Pride in possessions

These are from the world, and according to 1 John 5:19 the world lies in the power of the evil one.

What is the flesh and how does it influence me?
Romans 7:5, 14, 18, 25; 8:3-9, 12, 13; 13:14

James 1:12-15
Persons are tempted when they are lured and enticed by their own desire stemming from their fleshly inclination.

Flesh = “the inner propensity or inclination to do evil; the part of our creatureliness tainted by the fall that remains with us until the day we die. It is our continuing connection to this present evil age which is destined to perish…” Clinton Arnold

Insights about the world / flesh / devil (use PowerPoint drawing of circles)
1. These three influencers do not work separately, but in concert
2. These three influencers, although one may have a greater influence at certain times,
exert force against us in our battle
3. Be aware of the tendency to focus on one and diminish the others. Keep these in balance.
(use pp on number 3)

Implications on life and ministry:
1. We must understand that we face multiple opponents in the battle to keep the faith and follow after Christ
James 3:13-15 (earthly = world) (unspiritual = flesh) (demonic = devil)
Meekness = prauteti = gentleness, humility

He has told them if they need wisdom to ask God who gives generously to all w/o finding fault.

They have had trouble taming the tongue and the same mouth is blessing and hurting.

James says let a person display his works in the “prauteti” of wisdom.

The wisdom that is brash, arrogant and loud is:
Earthly / Unspiritual / Demonic

A. We have to identify and combat lies that are theological in nature
- ABC Nightline 3/26/09 “Is Satan real?”
B. We have to watch out for cultural lies
- Materialism (I need more; Madam Blueberry = happiness waits at the stuff mart)
- Saving with the goal of having enough to stop working (Jesus said this was foolish)
C. We have to watch out for our flesh’s tendencies and cravings
- What is your craving or tendency? (fill in the blank)
2. We view life and ministry in a wholistic fashion
A. Solid discipleship to combat the world influence and our sinful nature’s assault on truth
1. We try and provide preaching & teaching to educate, inform and equip
2. We have connect groups to learn, fellowship, grow and do ministry from
Be Radical
Be Together (1 John 1:1-7)
Be Christ-Like (Matthew 5-7)
Be Obedient (Ezekiel 36)
Be a Doer and Not a Hearer Only (James 1:22-25)

3. Use a Bible reading plan to saturate your mind with truth
4. We need a theological foundation to stand on
- Listen to the series on systematic theology on the website
5. We must be intimately anchored to a local, bible believing, bible teaching church
B. Solid biblical perspective on spiritual conflict to combat the enemy

3. Following Jesus is a life long fight, not a one time fix
- Romans 7
- Beware of believing the good and easy days are here to stay
- Good and easy days are often followed by dark and lonely days
- Beware of believing that repenting of a sin is the last time you will be tempted to do that
- A good repentance session is usually followed my the most intense temptation
- Beware of believing that the hard days are all that there are and good and victorious
days will never come
- You will have good days. They are often hard fought victories, but they do come.
- Beware of believing the lie that you have arrived and are dead right in everything and
that you are the one that needs to tell all the truth to all the sinners
- Be humble
- Enjoy the fact that when God’s people worship the enemy must flee

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spiritual Conflict 3 Demonization

How do Satan and his forces fight against us?

There are 3 factors that come to bear on us in the spiritual conflict we are in: The World, The Flesh and The Devil.

Each of these plays an equal role in their fight against Father and his kingdom. The enemy, the devil, can manipulate these in his fight against us.

Next week, we will mention more about these other factors, but today we are going to talk more about the enemy of our souls, the Devil and his host of principalities and powers.

Unclean Spirit
Matthew 12:43
Mark 1:23, 26; 3:30; 5:2, 8; 7:25; 9:25
Luke 4:33; 8:29; 9:42; 11:24
Revelation 18:2

Matthew 9:33; 11:18; 15:22; 17:18
Mark 7:26, 29f
Luke 4:33, 35; 7:33; 8:29; 9:42; 11:14
John 7:20; 8:48f, 52; 10:20f

Matthew 4:1, 5, 8, 11; 13:39; 25:41
Luke 4:2f, 5, 13; 8:12
John 6:70; 8:44; 13:2
Acts 10:38; 13:10
Ephesians 4:27; 6:11
1 Timothy 3:6f
2 Timothy 2:26
Hebrews 2:14
James 4:7
1 Peter 5:8
1 John 3:8, 10
Jude 1:9
Revelation 2:10; 12:9, 12; 20:2, 10

1 Chronicles 21:1
Job 1:6ff, 12; 2:1ff, 6f
Zecheriah 3:1f
Matthew 4:10; 12:26; 16:23
Mark 1:13; 3:23, 26; 4:15; 8:33
Luke 10:18; 11:18; 13:16; 22:3, 31
John 13:27
Acts 5:3; 26:18
Romans 16:20
1 Corinthians 5:5; 7:5
2 Corinthians 2:11; 11:14; 12:7
1 Thessalonians 2:18
2 Thessalonians 2:9
1 Timothy 1:20; 5:15
Revelation 2:9, 13, 24; 3:9; 12:9; 20:2, 7

Genesis 3:1f, 4, 13f
2 Corinthians 11:3
Revelation 12:9, 14f; 20:2

The Scriptures recount stories of demons and their leader, the Devil, Satan, having influence over people.

There are 3 ways of approaching theses stories:
1) Dismiss the stories about demons altogether
This is the tact of the “demythologizing” approach of the twentieth century led by such scholars as Rudolph Bultmann who debunked these stories as reflecting a primitive worldview.

2) Reinterpret the strories about demons
The value to these stories is found when one gets behind their surface and discovers the deeper message. Some have suggested that “demon” is a code word for the Pharisaical religious establishment or that “unclean spirit” should be seen as a psychological projection of our inner self or that the “demons” were probably only outward displays of a mental illness altogether.

3) Accept the stories as what really happened
This does not necessarily mean that all Christians will find what is said in the bible about demons as relevant for today.
Some are still convinced that demonization only happened back in the first century.

The issue of possession
First, possess means to own. We are owned by Christ, and we, as followers of Jesus Christ cannot be owned by Satan.
Second, the word “possession” that is attached to the word “demon” in many current translations such as (KJV, NKJV, NASB, NRSV, NIV, NLT) is not actually in the Greek text.

The idea of possession is the interpretation of the translator from a single Greek word “daimonizomai”.

This is probably because since the translation of the KJV, the standard was set in interpreting the meaning of the single term.

This wording has come to create some, perhaps, false concepts of the work of the enemy in the life of Christians and even non-Christians.

I, along with many others, prefer to use the term “demonized”.

This is a transliterated word that comes straight from the Greek word and I believe captures the essence of the work of the enemy against us and the rest of humanity to continue the rebellion.

How might demons exert their influence on Christians? How can we be demonized?
Note: There is a distinction between what the enemy can and does in the life of the Christian and the life of the non-Christian.

We are inhabited by the Holy Spirit and have God’s seal on us. The enemy cannot do to us anything we do not allow them to. We have authority over the enemy. The enemy must submit to us.

This is not the case for the non-Christian. They have no authority, because the authority giver is not in them defending them and giving them authority over the evil one.

When we are transformed by the gospel and the Holy Spirit takes up the work of regeneration in us, we are not completed yet. We belong to Jesus Christ, however, we still wrestle against sinful tendencies and a system of lies that we have a tendency to believe. So, we have a war to fight, and the enemy brings the battle to us.

What might that look like? How might the enemy exert it’s influence on Christians?

1. Temptation
“So, too, by an influence equally obscure, demons and angels breath into the soul, and rouse up its corruptions with furious passions and vile excesses” (Tertullian, Apology, 22).

1 Thessalonians 3:5 The enemy is called “the tempter” and the object of his work was the Thessalonian’s faith.

1 John 3:12 (see John 8:44 Satan a murderer from the beginning) Cain was tempted by the murdering Satan to murder his brother because his deeds were right and his own evil.

Acts 5:1-11 (see verse 3) Ananias and Sapphira were tempted to make themselves look more generous than they were.

2. False Teaching
1 Timothy 4:1
2 Timothy 2:24-26
Colossians 2:8
Galatians 4:9

3. Initiating Feelings of Guilt, Doubt and Fear
Revelation 12:10 We are said to be accused by the “accuser” continuously.
“He likewise reminds believers of their shortcomings, unworthiness and sin. By stimulating feelings of guilt, he hopes to keep Christians from feeling well-assured in their relationship to Christ and unworthy to receive his empowering grace” (Clinton E. Arnold 99).

1 Peter 5:8 The image of Satan as a roaring lion depicts his attempts to instill fear into believers.
“Anxiety, panic and terror are feelings that Satan endeavors to arouse as a means of paralyzing Christians and preventing them from yielding to and experiencing the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives” (Clinton E. Arnold 99)
Illustration: Tent, Malawi, voice telling me my sister was dead

4. Physical Attack
2 Corinthians 12:7 Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” was a “messenger of Satan” to harass and torment him in order to keep Paul from becoming conceited because of the great things he had seen in visions and revelations from the Lord.
1. This was graciously allowed by the Father
2. Paul did not seek help from an intermediary, but he went straight to the Father
3. But the enemy was able to make sick
4. Father’s grace can sustain and he can make strength rise from weakness induced by the

5. Persecution
Revelation 2:8-11 Satan is behind the imprisonment of some in Smyrna
Revelation 2:12-13 Satan is behind the death of a faithful servant in Pergamum
Revelation 12-13 Satan’s seething violence toward God’s people is symbolized here
Revelation 13:7 The beast is given authority to make war on the church

Ignatius of Antioch describes saw his own suffering and eventual martyrdom as incited by Satan when he wrote his letter to the Romans:
“…fire and cross and battles with wild beasts, mutilation, mangling, wrenching of bones, the hacking of limbs, the crushing of my whole body…cruel tortures of the devil” (Letter to the Romans 5.3).

How do we deal with these demonic forces and gain victory? That is next week.

But for now, fight with this as a means of warfare and giving you a glimpse at next week:
James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you.”

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spiritual Conflict (Part 1)

Spiritual Conflict (Part 1)
Ephesians 6:10-20

1. Spiritual Conflict is a real issue and not to be neglected

2. We are in a struggle and largely unaware that our battle is not against people

3. We must learn to shed our post-enlightenment world view and take on a Christian world view

4. There are two extremes that must be avoided:

5. Jesus has won the battle over the powers Colossians 2:15

Ephesians 6:10-20

1. We are in a fight whether we want to admit it or not v. 10
- 1 Peter 5:8 Be sober-minded and watchful
- Don’t always dismiss your thoughts without analyzing them as to
their source
- Pay attention to your weaknesses and guard yourself against temptations
in those areas
- Evaluate your doctrinal beliefs
- 2 Timothy 2:24-26
- Be careful to whom you listen in spiritual matters particularly

2. We are to be strong in the Lord v. 10
- Ephesians 1:15-21; 2:1-7; 3:14-19
- Our strength is found in knowing God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son
- Our strength is found in the ability to see and discern truth / reality
- Our strength is found in living in the hope we are called to
- Our strength is found in the resurrection power exercised in Christ that is at
work in us
- Our strength is found in our unity with Christ now and the unity to come in full
- Our strength is found in the fact that Christ Jesus dwells in us by his Spirit

3. Satan and his demons are schemers v. 11
- 2 Corinthians 2:11 Encouragement to not be outwitted by Satan because we are not
ignorant of his designs
- Satan’s primary scheme is the extinguishing of the truth of the Gospel
- Be aware that our conflict is a doctrinal conflict
- Demons teach doctrine 1 Timothy 4:1
- Keep a close watch on your doctrine
- 1 Timothy 4:16

- Satan schemes to deceive us regarding who is in charge of the universe or even
to deceive us into thinking he (Satan) is an equal and opposing force of evil
against God
- 1 John 5:19 is not a reference to the “Evil One” ruling the universe
- It is a reference to him being in charge of the system of
lies that are contrary to the Gospel

- Satan also schemes to distract our attention from our identity
- Ephesians 2:6
- We have been seated with Christ in the heavenly places.

- Satan also schemes to bring ethnic disunity to the church
- Ephesians 3:10 (note the context of chapter 2 and Colossians 1:15-20; 2:8-23)
- Beware of ethnic tensions between Christians

- Satan also schemes to impugn our moral character by tempting us to act like what we
used to be
- Ephesians 4-6:9

- Satan also schemes to blind us to the real conflict and thus trash unity
- Ephesians 6:12

Clinton E. Arnold, Principalities and Powers in Paul’s Letters, Inter-vasity Press, 1992.
Clinton E. Arnold, 2 Crucial Questions about Spiritual Warfare, Baker, 1997.