Thursday, January 15, 2009

Spiritual Gifts

What are spiritual gifts? What are they for?

Points of Instruction about Spiritual Gifts:
1. Everyone in Christ is gifted
1 Corinthians 12:7 Everyone in Christ is gifted for the good of the whole church
2. Everyone in Christ is gifted to serve each other
1 Corinthians 12:11 We are gifted as the Holy Spirit wills not as we will
- The Holy Spirit can evaluate the need in the church and gift people as needed in the
- The person is not in charge of what gift they are given
3. Exercise of Spiritual gifts is part of genuine worship
Romans 12:3-8 Using one’s gift or gifts is not option in the church
“Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them…” (v. 7)
4. Discover your giftedness
- Ask:
4.1 What do I do well? Do people come to you for this thing you do?
(if you say you are a teacher, and no one gravitates to you for teaching, then you
are not a teacher)
(if you say you are a church planter, and you have never attempted anything new
before and had the tendency to try things and fail and not be bothered by that or
hampered by that, then you are probably not church planter material)
(if you say you are hospitable, and you never talk to people outside your huddle,
you are not hospitable)
- Gifts are not what we think would make us happy or what we think will
give us prominence or what we think other people think we need to be.
- Gifts are what we do without thinking about it that serves Jesus’ people.
- Gifts are what we do as an almost involuntary reflex in serving Jesus’
- Gifts are how people benefit by our existence in the church.
- Gifts are Holy Spirit empowered and driven by the preaching of the word
- Gifts are often missed and not used because of rampant selfishness/
individuality, pride or gross sin
- Gifts are often used in the context of personal relationship in the church
not primarily in the corporate worship setting (Romans 12:3-21)
4.2 What am I passionate about?
4.3 What do I enjoy that benefits other people in general?
4.4 What do you do that strengthens other people’s faith (Romans 1:11, 12;
1Thess 3:2)
4.5 Don’t be so concerned with trying to label your giftedness with titles given
in the Scriptures.
- Just write down what you do that benefits others and that others come to
you for in your own words
5. Serve each other in a proactive manner
- Seek each other out in the church
- Be part of the fellowship
- Become less busy with personal things to be involved in people’s lives
6. Don’t approach trcc as a Sunday morning event only

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