Monday, November 10, 2008

11/09/2008 - Salvation: The Work of Justification

Salvation: The Work of Justification
John 17:19

  1. Jesus goes to the Cross to make us Holy
    John 17:19

    Romans 5:6-8
    Jesus loves us

    We have confidence in our relationship to God that he is not out to get me but loves me

    Justification: Romans 3:21-26

    Definition: To make right or just, to impute righteousness as God's judging and saving activity in relation to persons, declare righteous, put right with himself

  2. Jesus goes to the cross so that God can declare us to be just in his sight
    Romans 3:24

    We can have a real relationship with God
    - We call him Father
    - He calls us sons and daughters

    We are free from the consequences of sin (death and hell)
    - We have love instead of wrath
    - We have good instead of destruction
    - Our fighting against sin matters and we discipline ourselves spiritually

  3. Jesus goes to the cross so that God can impute Christ's righteousness to us
    Impute: to ascribe to or charge (a person) with an act or quality because of the conduct of another over whom one has control or for whose acts or conduct one is responsible.
    2 Corinthians 5:21

    He gives us his Holy Spirit to live in us

    We are no longer slaves to sin

    We can't be accused by the enemy

  4. Justification comes to us entirely by God's grace, not on account of any merit in ourselves
    Romans 3:20, 24, 27-28

    My actions never save me, but they become evidence of me having Christ's righteousness

    I must live in constant thanksgiving
    - Thanksgiving must be my attitude not entitlement
    - (illustrate with my interaction with Fred, Al, Tom)

    I must come and worship
    - Daily in my living
    - Weekly with the gathered righteous

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