Thursday, September 4, 2008

09/07/2008 - The Doctrine of Man: Man's Purpose

Doctrine of Man: Why did God create man and what is man's purpose?

1. Why did God create man?

1.1 God did not need to create man because God has no need and is not lonely

1.1.1 - God is independent

- “God does not need us or the rest of creation for anything, yet we and the

rest of creation can glorify him and bring him joy.” – Wayne Grudem

- Acts 17:24-25

1.1.2- God is in perfect unity and fellowship in the Trinity

- John 17:1-5, 24

1.1.3 - God does not need us, but we are meaningful to him. Why?

1.2 God created man for his glory (Isaiah 43:7; Ephesians 1:11-12)

- Man must then have, as his end in all things, the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31)

- Man must seek the satisfaction of and the honoring of God

1.2.1 - Our ends must become God’s ends

- We learn to evaluate what we do and why we do it

- Dating – dating must image God’s pursuit of his


- Marriage – marriage must image God’s devotion

to his people and tender treatment of his people

- Theology – our theology must reflect God not

people (which is anthropology) manifest in the

kinds of questions we ask such as: what about the

people who have never heard? The question must be

what about the offense against God by their


- Profession – A job is not just a job, but a means

of making much of God and funding God’s


- Politics – issues such as abortion and becoming

desensitized and valuing other things more than life

created in the image of God

1.2.2 - Our beliefs must match God’s beliefs

- Our doctrine must match that of the Scriptures not culture

- Jesus is God despite the radical scholarship

propounded by unbelieving men at the university

1.2.3 - Our values must begin to match God’s values

- God does not value self-esteem, but poverty of spirit,

humility and meekness

- God does not value self-determination, he values


- God does not value hoarding resources, but giving them


2. What is our purpose in life?

2.1 In regard to God: Glorify God

2.2 In regard to man (how do we live out glorifying God): Enjoy God which glorifies God

2.2.1 - John 10:10 Enjoying God’s abundant life (life overflowing; vitality in the

faith; Holy Spirit springing up the water of life; quenching of every human


2.2.2 - Psalm 16:l1 Tasting the joy and pleasures of knowing God

- Knowing the love of God in spite of my sin as a result of Jesus’ work

2.2.3 - Psalm 27:4 Looking on the beauty of the Lord

2.2.4 - Psalm 73:25-26 Knowing God as our strength in life and our portion


2.2.5 - Psalm 84:1-2, 10 Enjoying the superiority of one day with God than a

thousand elsewhere

2.2.6 - Romans 5:2-3 Making our boast / rejoicing in the glory of God

- When God is honored we boast and rejoice in that publicly

2.2.7 - Philippians 4:2-7 Unity leading to peace leading to rejoicing in the Lord

2.2.8 - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Delight in God’s will by:

Rejoicing always (understanding God’s providential love in dealing with you and


Praying w/o ceasing (being utterly dependent on God for all things),

Giving thanks in all circumstances (embracing life, in all circumstances, as

coming from God who loves you and is working for your good and therefore you

are undaunted in the storms of life)

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