Monday, April 26, 2010

Exegesis Work Page

Write your passage here (Example: Matthew 28:16-20):

Observation: (What does this say?) (6 points: 1 point for each item)
1. Ask:
a. who___________________________________________________________
b. what___________________________________________________________
c. when___________________________________________________________
d. where___________________________________________________________
e. why___________________________________________________________
f. how___________________________________________________________
2. Key words and phrases (big words, words that are repeated, etc.): (10 points)
3. Lists: (10 points)

4. Contrasts and comparisons (what is being contrasted or compared; what is the illustration and what is the real situation or person?): (10 points)

5. Expressions of time (until, then, when, after): (10 points)

6. Terms of conclusion / purpose clauses (wherefore, therefore, for this reason, finally, for, so, so that): (10points)

This text says: (20 points: Don’t interpret here. Just restate the passage in your own words.)
Interpretation: (What does this mean? Take all of the observation data into account!)(20 points)
1. Remember context rules: look at surrounding verses; take note of the entire book; take note of the
entire bible’s teaching on this particular issue concerning God
2. Remember, the primary point is the Gospel and the nature of God. What is the text saying about God?
What does the text say about the Gospel?
3. Always seek the full counsel of Scripture.
4. Scripture will never contradict Scripture.
5. Never base your convictions on obscure passages of Scripture.
6. Interpret literally unless it is obvious it should not be literal.
7. Look for the single meaning of the passage. It is never appropriate to say, “the text means this or that
to me”. That puts the objective in the subjective.
The text means:

Application: (How does this affect me? What am I supposed to do now?)(2 points: 1 point for each of 2 applications: Give at least two)
1. What does this passage teach?
2. Does this section of Scripture expose any error in my beliefs or in my behavior?
3. What is God’s instruction to me as his child?
4. When applying Scripture, beware of the following:
a. Applying cultural standards rather than biblical standards
b. Attempting to strengthen a legitimate truth by using a Scripture incorrectly
c. Applying Scripture out of prejudice from past training or teaching
This text and its meaning affects me:
1. Application _________________________
2. Application _________________________
3. Application _________________________
4. Application _________________________
5. Application _________________________
6. Application _________________________
7. Application _________________________
8. Application _________________________

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Nehemiah 6:15-7:4

Nehemiah 6:15-7:4

You know we are building the church local and global for the glory of God. As vital as framework is, the most important parts are not related to framework.

The wall was completed and it was cause for celebration, but the story then shifts to the internal building that is most vital.

God does not need a way to defend his people. The wall has it’s purpose, but primarily the building is done inside of people as they learn to fear God and walk in his ways.

As we build the church we must realize that it is not done in external ministry additions or upgrades. It is done internally in hearts, attitudes, minds and practices flowing from heart, attitude and mind transformation.

While building the city of God within the city of Rome here are some things we will see, fight for and guard.

1. We will see supernatural work 6:15
The wall was completed from start to finish in 52 days. From the first of Nisan to the 25th of Elul is the building time.
“Josephus said it took two years and four months; but he had no other evidence, and it is better to take Nehemiah’s word. Thucydides (1.89–93) says the wall around Athens was built in one month.”

To see supernatural work one must be involved in the work: ministry, prayer for ministries, telling the good news (where are the evangelists?)
2. We will see Jesus testify to his own power and humble the self-sufficient 6:16 (this is incumbent upon seeing the supernatural from God’s people doing the work of ministry)
Why do people oppose God’s work? If they admit that it is God working, that admission implies that they recognize his power (cf. Acts 5:34–39). If they can continue to convince themselves that the gospel really is not true or that this work is not God’s work, then they can remain comfortable in their unbelief or indifference. But this self-confidence receives a blow when they understand that God has really been working in and through his people.

Always be ready to speak of the work of Jesus publicly.
            A. People need to hear
            B. The time is right culturally to speak of spiritual matters
            C. Be quick with the Gospel

How can we know something has been uniquely the work of Jesus?
            1. When the work done is manifestly good in itself
            2. When the work done is extensive
            3. When beneficial changes are brought about rapidly
            4. When serious difficulties and opposition are overcome
            5. When the work proves lasting
            6. When human effort is not sufficient to account for the results

3. We will have to fight enemies that come from within 6:17-19
            A. Meshullam (3:4, 30) was a worker on the wall and repaired more than one
            section but he also gave his daughter to Tobiah’s son to marry.
                        1. Perhaps he did not agree with Nehehmiah’s policies of separation
                        2. Perhaps he questioned why Nehemiah could consort with the
                        Persians and he could not consort with Tobiah and he failed to
                        trust his leader’s direction
            B. What are signs of trouble?
                        1. Constant complaining about surface issues from those not dirty from
                        2. Constant critique of teaching with a claim of superior teaching and had
                        hushed conversations away from those who might not agree
                        3. Broken fellowship and the assertion of rights rather than accepting
                        wrong for the sake of unity 1 Corinthians 6:1-11

4. We will have to guard right worship as a priority (gatekeepers, singers and Levites) 7:1
            A. Gatekeepers – guarded the temple area and provided general security for
            B. Singers – singers sang 24 hours a day in the temple area in ministry to the Lord
            C. Levites – provided the necessary service of the function of the temple
                        1. Nehemiah was operating according to the Scriptural mandates of the
                        2. Nehemiah was making worship a priority.
            D. Worship is not simply external. It is primarily internal 2 Chronicles 30:18-20.
            E. Worship becomes external when the internal is right.
                        1. Song is part of the external
                        2. Celebration is part of the external
                        3. Mourning is part of the external
                        4. Repentance is part of the external
            F. Worship looks like being a living sacrifice.

We do what we do NOT because people are benefited, but because God’s fame is at stake and the net result is that people are benefited by being brought near to Jesus to worship him and have Jesus meet their ultimate needs.

5. We will have to guard the qualifications for leadership (faithful and God-fearing) 7:2
            A. Faithful and God-fearing
                        1. Faithful
                        2. God-fearing

6. We will have to guard against a consumer mentality church 7:3
            A. The city was wide and large and there were few comparatively in the city. All
            hands were needed.
                        1. We are not a mega-church but we pack a mega-punch in the
                                    a. All parents are needed as the ministry
                                                1. Radical Kids
                                                2. Student Ministry
                                                            a. Parents are the frontline of ministry
                                                            b. Parents are the fuel to ministry
                                                            c. Parents have to use home time strategically
                                                            d. Parents have to use drive time strategically
            B. If there is need that is felt, then the one feeling the need may be the ministry