Sunday, January 24, 2010

Nehemiah 2:9-20

Nehemiah 2:9-20

We are standing on the verge of some of the most exciting times in the history of TRCC.

With so much need to be addressed, we have, by God’s grace arrived at an Ephesians 2:10 time. “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

All good works have been created beforehand to be walked in by the work of God’s hands, redeemed and resurrected people who love their king.

Young Moms, Buddy Break and Project 127 have been created by God the Father and we have been uniquely prepared for this time by his providential work.

This is our time to bring great praise to the one who has made us alive together with Christ by our faithful execution of the tasks at hand.

Time for theory and preparation is over.

It’s time to put our hands to the plow and begin the hard work of real and tangible ministry that heals and leads to the proclamation of the Gospel. This was and is the Lord’s mandate, “...proclaim as you go, saying, ‘the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying; give without pay.” Matt 10:7, 8

As we begin our work, let’s do it with the instruction Father has graciously given us through the work of Nehemiah as he brought the culture God’s kingdom to bear on the broken down city.

What instruction do we gather from Nehemiah as we set our hands to the task?

1. Expect opposition 10, 19
Not godly and Holy Spirit frustration to nudge us in the right direction (Acts 16), but overt opposition to the clear work of God.

2 Timothy 3:12 “Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”
“Remember, we worship a guy who got murdered” – Mark Driscoll
“If they hated me they will hate you.” - Jesus

Sanballat the Horonite – after the issues in Ezra 4 (Adversaries: Let us build with you, for we worship your God as you do, and we have been sacrificing to him ever since the days of Esarhaddon king of Assyria who brought us here: This was a syncretism), he had been given temporary jurisdiction over Judah and was probably jealous that Nehemiah was being sent as governor of the region in a permanent fashion

Tobiah the Ammonite – had close and personal connections inside Jerusalem (6:17-19; 13:4-5) and has a Jewish name. These Tobiads may have been descendants of the Tobiah who in Ezra 2:60 was rejected from the Jewish community because “they could not show that their families were descended from Israel.” If so, their long-standing enmity against the Jewish community may have begun at that time.

Geshem the Arab - was a powerful chieftain of Qedar in northwest Arabia. He was somewhat under the control of the Persians but had great freedom to govern over a confederation of Arab tribes that included Edom and the southern part of Judah.39

God’s rule is offensive to the fallen hearts of men

A. Opponents may look like worshippers of Jesus in word and deed
Illustration: lunch with a Mormon who wanted to serve with us and evangelize.
A. Opponents will mock the legitimacy of our work v. 19
1. People will question why we don’t hand people a tract or bible
first thing
2. People will question why we just don’t invite them to “accept
Jesus” right up front.
B. Opponents will accuse us of unfounded wrong v. 19
1. The enemy is called the “accuser of the brothers” (Rev 12) and
often sends his “henchmen” to accuse.
C. Opposition will come from outside the ranks (expected)
D. Opposition will come from inside (unexpected but now expected)
1. Outright opposition to the work
a. People will say they just don’t like it and “we ought to
just focus on worshiping the Lord.”
2. Petty distractions
a. Arguments over “open handed issues” as if they
were closed handed issues.
1. Rapture timing
2. Lighting in the auditorium

2. Do respond properly to opposition 20
A. Confidence in God 20a
B. Holy defiance 20b
C. Stinging truth 20c
1. This takes Holy Spirit discernment, so pray
2. Be bold, don’t be obedient to opposition

God is not a gentleman. (Uzzah 2 Samuel 6:5-11; Nadab and Abihu Leviticus 10)

“Don’t judge the God of the Bible by Victorian nicety or political correctness.” – Mark Driscoll

3. We have to evaluate the task at hand 11-16
Personal as well as corporate (personal decision making or corporate leadership)
A. Rest 11
1. Repent of the sin of “too much” to do and keep up to be part
of the work.
B. Prayerfully inspect need with a few trusted co-laborers
1. Gather a group of people to help (connect group)
2. Evaluate need and develop a plan
3. Attack the work
C. We keep our thoughts and process a plan before we rally the troops
1. Jolly stinks at this! He has a big mouth!

4. We have to rally the troops
A. State the problem 17a
B. Give the solution 17b
C. Tell stories of God’s providential work to encourage faithful work 18a
D. God’s people will respond 18b

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Nehemiah 1:11b-2:8

Nehemiah 1:11b-2:8

If the culture of Gods Kingdom is going to be driven deeper into our DNA as a church, and that culture, expressed in our mission as a church is going to be lived out we must begin to understand that God does not need us. However, God graciously invites us to represent him well, have our faith strengthened and enjoy the show as he shows his might, power and mercy

2:1 Nehemiah persevered in mourning/repentance, prayer and fasting for roughly 4 months
- Chislev (9th month) to Nisan (1st month)
- Psalm 126:5 “Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!”
- “restore the fortunes” v. 1, 4; “shouts of joy” v. 2, 5, 6
- Other nations see and give credit to Jesus
God values
- Perseverance
- Our best (mourning, repenting, praying and fasting people inherit the

1:11b Nehemiah, as cupbearer, was right where he needed to be and waited for Father to arrange the right time and means

Nehemiah was not trying to make things happen by shaking things up.

- Stay where you are until the mission demands you to
change positions barring any necessary survival requirements (loss of a job).

- This requires:
- Trust
- Personal patience to wait (don’t believe the lie that you are 27 and
missing life. 20’s you are finding your passion. 30’s you are
narrowing your passion and improving your game and must
focus your attention. 40’s you are refining what you do. 50’s
you hit your prime)
- Knowing what makes you pound your chest not what makes you
a better income
- This is the intersection of what you do well and enjoy
and what brings God great glory

1:11b Nehemiah, as cupbearer, was in an vital position although not
counted as vital personally
- Nehemiah was a slave
- Nehemiah was probably made a eunuch to serve in this position
- God does not need vital people, people need a vital God
- God delights to take humble people and use them vitally
- This humbles people to a place of usefulness

2:1 Nehemiah was consumed with Jerusalem and the Lord’s name there. He was so consumed it showed on his face.
- Nehemiah’s countenance showed the wear and tear of the internal emotive
struggle and he could not hide the internal state anymore. He was probably
unaware of the fact that he was showing this countenance. His fearful
seems to indicate he was taken aback and realized he had “goofed”.

- Don’t seek to happy up just because you are down over godless ills (I understand there are medical circumstances where this does not apply, but by and large we are a culture that seeks the immediate removal of the slightest feeling of the blues with entertainment)
- Seek the Lord’s directives and what needs to be done not what
makes one feel better quickly.
Illustration: only after divine confrontations do we usually act. It was Father confronting me with the fact that I was going to do what I say personally or show I really do not believe in regard to Daniel’s adoption.
The ensuing legal battle taught me to love and was a year long emotive tug of war that resulted in my love of that boy.

1:11, 2:4 Pray like the mission depends on it (it does)
Nehemiah had already gathered a team of prayers and planners (1:11 the plural indicates there were others praying the same prayer and it was probably Nehemiah who had gathered them) and when the Father gave the go he was ready.
- “...servants who delight delight to fear your name.”
- Luke 18:
- John 15:16
- Prayer is to be patient and persevering
- Prayer is also to be a quick request for instant direction usually
applying to a well prepared situation.

2:6-8 Nehemiah was mobilized to act
- Nehemiah was prepared
- Nehemiah mobilized a team of people 1:11
- Gather people who do not do what you do and do what you don’t
- Go

2:8b Understand and enjoy that God is providential.
This is the perfect safety net.

The “hand” of God is the visual image given to the reader to indicate that it is God in his goodness for his people guiding these events and not Nehemiah. Nehemiah is responding to the Lord’s promptings and Nehemiah can read them. Nehemiah knows when God is moving.
“God is continually involved with all created things in such a way that he (1 preservation) keeps them existing and maintaining the properties with which he created them ; (2 concurrence) cooperates with created things in every action, directing their distinctive properties to cause them to act as they do; and (3 government) directs them to fulfill his purposes. – Wayne Grudem
- This produces worriless action
- This produces confident action
- This produces worship in action and song